The recent market is a bit crazy. Everyone just thought that Bitcoin broke through 65,000 and the bull market came, and then it began to retrace sharply, falling to 59,828 at the lowest. Many weak altcoins have fallen back to the original point, and many people have lost money. But for some strong coins, as long as you hold on, you can still make 20 to 30 points of profit. Bitcoin has retreated by almost 10%, causing many people to lose money.

I have said more than once before that there will definitely be a callback. The tentative bottom is basically 5w. Don’t ask what spot to buy now. You can buy mainstream spot. Others double their money before you get your money back. #加密市场急跌 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #非农就业数据即将公布 $BTC