The story of the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle

Rekindle the man's ambition and start a new model

The breeze tears my sleeves, the tall building stands upright, the scenery of thousands of miles comes into my eyes, and all the sorrows of the world are overlooked.

I still remember my youthful ambition, when I should be a hero and play with fame and fortune. Don’t say that life is like a jumping ball, I will definitely reach the sky to embrace the stars!

The sunset has not yet faded, and the evening breeze is sweeping. Ah Feng stands alone by the bridge with his hands behind his back, letting the sunset shine on his face and the breeze tear at his sleeves. His thoughts sometimes fly to the past, sometimes rush to the future, the corners of his mouth are not raised, and there is no confusion in his eyes. He looks down at the pedestrians rushing for a living under the bridge, and looks sideways at the lights of the office building that are still on. His mind can't help but emerge from his ordinary ten years. How many edges have been smoothed out in these ten years? How many of his expectations have been broken? How much of his ambition has been lost?

Who is not frivolous when young? What's wrong with having high aspirations? However, there are many fetters in the secular world, and it is difficult to move forward and backward. Now I have rekindled my lofty ambitions, and I wish to break the sky and win the dragon!

Since Afeng bought all of his Bitcoin, Bitcoin started to rise as if it was touched, and a four-month-long rally began. There was basically no big correction in these four months. It can be said that Bitcoin has risen from more than 3,000 to more than 13,000 without looking back, nearly quadrupling. Afeng also made a lot of money in this wave of market, and his principal tripled from more than 20,000 yuan. Although he also blamed himself for not being at the highest point, but who would have such good luck?

Afeng has made more than 60,000 yuan from a capital of 10,000 yuan. It seems not so real. Although he only made more than 50,000 yuan, it was his usual annual salary, but it has not been half a year. He also thought: If I had invested 100,000 yuan at the beginning, would it have become 600,000 yuan today? What would I do if I earned 600,000 yuan today? Would I pay off the mortgage to reduce the pressure of life or continue to make more money in the cryptocurrency circle? He thought about every possibility, but in the end he was not sure what he would do. He patted his head: Unknown things are indeed unknown results. Looking at the money in the account, it turns out that everything is so hard, because only I know how sad I have been for more than four months.

A few days after he put his money into Bitcoin, Afeng, like before, couldn't sleep well every night. He always fell asleep in extreme sleepiness and sat up in shock. He felt more and more uneasy and his mentality was tortured again and again. Although the account showed profit this time, the good profit phenomenon was as uncomfortable as losing money. He didn't know how to operate, didn't know whether he needed to sell part of it, and was even full of fear about tomorrow's market. He was afraid that the market would suddenly crash tomorrow, and he was also worried that the price would continue to rise after he sold it. His wife looked at Afeng, who was getting thinner and thinner, and always asked him worriedly if he had anything to do recently, telling him that if there was anything, they had to bear it together and never bear it alone. Afeng didn't want his wife to know about this for the time being, and he always found a reason to round things off.

Half a month after opening a Bitcoin order, Afeng found that he could not do this anymore. He could not wait in fear without knowing anything. This kind of waiting was an endless torture. He decided to start learning. He had to know what the big bloggers knew, and he had to know their technical indicators. He had to know their market analysis strategies. He had to make his own judgments and analyses, and he had to be responsible for himself. From that day on, Afeng put learning at the top of his priority list. Every day after work and life, he was with Baidu, swimming in the ocean of knowledge, desperately absorbing all kinds of knowledge. He read the analysis of the direction of the big V on Weibo, the analysis of the economic environment and the situation on Twitter, and the answers of the big V on technical indicators on Zhihu. Time passed quickly during the study. Although I still couldn't help but check my account many times, the frequency had decreased by more than 60% compared with before.

In these four months, Afeng completed his understanding of the cryptocurrency circle, analysis of the economic environment, and application of technical indicators. Although he has not yet entered actual combat, according to the results of his multiple simulations, the winning rate is very high. At this time, he is full of confidence in himself and full of hope for the future. At this time, he firmly believes that he will be able to lead his family to a good life in the near future. It was the self-confidence built up at this time that allowed him to stand up after several failures in the future. After his success, Afeng has told his friends many times: I am really very grateful to myself at that time. It was the choice at that time that made me what I am today, and it was the self-confidence built up at that time that allowed me to stand up after failure again and again...

Today, four months later, Afeng has completed his first transformation. He is no longer a newbie in the cryptocurrency circle, and he is no longer the one who can only respond silently to the analysis of big Vs. In the past four months, Afeng has had countless conversations with himself, asking himself many times: What do you want? What can you do? How do you want to do it? It is these questions that have made him grow step by step, and it is these growth steps that have rekindled his dreams when he was young.

Today, Afeng stood by the overpass, with 60,000 yuan in his account from selling bitcoins. Looking at the busy crowd and the fast-paced life, Afeng made the final decision: he wanted to finish the road he had not finished when he was young, see the scenery he could not see when he was sloppy, be a good son and husband who was not good when he was poor, and rely on his own cognition to complete this gorgeous counterattack. He wanted to let his family live a good life. At this moment, he even dared to bet on the blue sky and the blue dragon. Suddenly, Afeng smiled and said, "Leverage and contracts, wait for me to play with them in my hands."

This article was picked up from other places and I think it is pretty good.#加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #大A香还是大饼香 #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB