Period comparison is November 2023 and July 2024. And now

Deribit 90% → 82% → 83%

Binance 3% → 8% → 10%

Okex 6% → 8% → 7%

First, look at the image: in July 2024, the Spot volume dropped sharply and the Perp volume increased instead. The CEX Perp BuySell Ratio soared from this period.

Although we are not able to post the image because it is a third-party service, we can see that Deribit's Options share, which had been dominant for a long time, is changing. The most noteworthy is Binance, which seems to have gradually shifted its focus to Options, as CEX's futures have tapered off due to the CME and the emergence of ETFs. In addition, they are expanding their market share. This will certainly broaden their defensive and more aggressive operations.

Written by Crypto_Lion