[Gemdale Group: Actively raise funds for debt repayment and complete the timely repayment of public market debts] According to Jinshi Data on September 19, Gemdale Group released the minutes of its semi-annual performance meeting. Regarding the debt issue that has attracted outside attention, Xu Jiajun said that as of now, the company has repaid a total of approximately 13.6 billion yuan in domestic public market debts. At the same time, it has repaid the $480 million in debts due in August as scheduled, and the company has no outstanding overseas dollar bonds. The remaining public market debts to be repaid in 2024 are 3 billion yuan of medium-term notes due in November and December. Xu Jiajun said that the company actively raised funds for debt repayment and completed the timely repayment of public market debts through the disposal of bulk assets, accelerated sales, and active expansion of financing channels. The company's major shareholders are also providing support for the company's development in various ways. (Reprinted from: Jinshi Data)