The second half of the Meme coin track is coming: active trading, market attention, and continuous topicality are all indispensable

In addition, the dispute between uppercase and lowercase tokens of NEIRO/Neiro may also indicate that the Meme coin track is entering a new stage. After experiencing the Solana Meme coin craze represented by BOME and SLERF, the PVP Meme coin craze led by, and the celebrity Meme coin craze such as MOTHER and DADDY, the Meme coin craze led by "New Shiba Inu Neiro", the Meme coin track seems to have entered the second half.

On the one hand, there will be fewer and fewer Meme coins that decay quickly, and Meme coin projects will begin to focus on "topicity", "breaking the circle" and short-term "wealth-making effect"; on the other hand, Meme coins are no longer as attractive to outsiders as before. At a time when liquidity is becoming increasingly tight, the "final destination" of Meme coin projects may enter the entrepreneurial stage of "To VC" and "To Exchange". Similar to "VC coins were once Meme coins", current Meme coins and future Meme coin projects may have to face the situation of "Meme coins are also VC coins".

The latest news shows that according to The Data Nerd's monitoring, Wintermute has accumulated about $3.4 million worth of NEIRO tokens since September 10. As of now, the address holds a total of about $4.55 million worth of tokens, accounting for 6.2% of the total supply. (Note: There is speculation in the market that Wintermute may be the exchange market maker of the NEIRO project, but the news has not been verified.)

After all, whether a successful Meme coin can stand out from thousands of projects, in addition to its "original narrative", it also needs "powerful dealers", "strong cohesive communities" and "'project parties' or 'volunteers' who run for it". In other words, Meme coins without fighting power have lost from the beginning, lost completely, and lost miserably.

This may also be an important reason why the Meme coin track has gradually cooled down after experiencing high-intensity PVP, despite the emergence of one-click coin issuance platforms in various ecosystems and platforms.

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