[9.18 Crypto Market News]

The Federal Reserve will hold an interest rate meeting tonight (2 am on the 19th). The market generally expects a rate cut of 50% or 25%. A rate cut is good for capital inflow, but if there is no rate cut, be wary of short-term fluctuations.

Bitcoin ($BTC ):

Trend: The bullish pattern is stable, and the daily line has not broken the 573 support. Trend: After a small increase yesterday, the night market rose and then fell back to the second pressure level. Today's focus: The callback support is 60275-59830-59270. If it does not break 59270 in 4 hours, it will continue to rise; the rising target is 61140-62045-62980.

Ethereum ($ETH ):

Trend: In a small-level callback, pay attention to the support level. Support/resistance: Support below 2310-2281-2254. If 2310 is lost, there will be a 4-hour level callback; the upper side needs to stand firm at 2338 to end the callback, and the target is 2365-2392-2427.

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