The open layout of Bitcoin and Ethereum on the entire network, which was short first and then long, has all been perfectly verified.

On the evening of the 14th, Bitcoin and Ethereum were short above 60,000. The market fluctuated and fell all the way, reaching a low of around 57,440. Then last night, Bitcoin and Ethereum were long at 57,500 and 2,270. During the evening market retracement, they just reached the entry position and then began to fluctuate and rise. So far, Bitcoin has once again rushed to around 59,200 and Ethereum is also around 2,320. The retracement of long orders is in line with expectations again. Bitcoin has once again taken the 1,500 point space and Ethereum has also taken 50 points of space. The short first and then long have all been verified. The previous posts are all visible. Congratulations again to those who follow the ideas. #加密市场急跌 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即