Recently, everyone is very anxious, especially about the expectation of the Fed's interest rate cut, and all kinds of speculations are flying around. Many people are worried that even if the interest rate is cut, the increase will not last more than one or two days, and then it will be adjusted back. I can understand this sentiment, but we need to grasp several key signals in the market.

First of all, the speeches of Fed officials are very important, especially those of senior officials. Every word they say conveys the direction of the market. Don't forget that the Fed does not just look at one indicator, CPI, employment data, and GDP performance are all on their radar. If these data slow down, the probability of the Fed's interest rate cut will increase, which is definitely good for our currency circle.

Secondly, the global economic situation cannot be ignored. The situation outside the United States, such as the slowdown in the European economy and the performance of the Asian market, may give the Fed more reason to relax its policies. As long as global economic risks are rising, the possibility of interest rate cuts is high.

In addition, there is another very important point, the liquidity and capital flow in the market. Although the recent selling sentiment is heavy, everyone should pay attention to the actions of big capital. If there are large amounts of funds quietly entering, especially those institutional investors, you know that they are betting that the market will reverse. Pay close attention to the large amount of capital flow on the chain, and you may smell opportunities in advance.

Finally, don't ignore the dynamics in our crypto community. Whether it is the progress of Bitcoin ETF or the new wave of DeFi and NFT innovation, it will affect the overall market sentiment. Short-term fluctuations are inevitable, but in the medium and long term, the trend is still on the side of crypto assets. Don't be carried away by panic, stay calm, and follow the signal

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