Kiyosaki predicts Bitcoin and real assets will boom.

Written by Sergio Sanchez 8 hours ago


Kiyosaki sees Bitcoin and precious metals rising after Fed's U-turn.

The investor claims the gold vs. Bitcoin debate is irrelevant, ownership is key.

Kiyosaki warns of a potential market crash and recommends investing in real assets.

Financial educator and author Robert Kiyosaki has reiterated his support for Bitcoin (BTC), this time offering his perspective on why the pioneering cryptocurrency will likely experience an explosion in price.

Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling personal finance book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, noted that both Bitcoin and precious metals such as gold and silver will likely rise due to the Federal Reserve's (Fed's) upcoming monetary policy, he commented in a post on X on September 15.

Fed Policy and Real Assets

The investor argued that when the Fed eventually cuts interest rates, the flow of money will shift from what he called “fake assets” such as U.S. Treasury bonds to “real assets” such as gold, silver, real estate, and Bitcoin. In his view, investors who hold these assets will likely become richer.

“Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver prices are about to EXPLODE
. As I mentioned in my previous tweet
. you talkers
. cowards arguing which is better
. gold or Bitcoin
 will be the big losers
 when the Marxist Fed TURN
 by cutting interest rates
 and real assets rise in price
 as fake money flows out of fake assets.”


Debate between gold and Bitcoin

At the same time, he stressed that the debate between Bitcoin and gold is irrelevant, comparing it to a discussion about whether it is better to have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, while others have nothing.

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