Jack Ma on Bitcoin: If Bitcoin is really useful, the financial and trade order will be completely changed

Jack Ma once said that, first of all, he did not understand Bitcoin and was quite confused. However, if Bitcoin really works, the rules of global trade and financial order will be completely different. He believes that we are not ready for such a change, so he is more concerned about Alipay. So, what do netizens think of Jack Ma's answer?

1. If Bitcoin is widely used, it will be equivalent to eliminating Jack Ma's Alipay.

2. Bitcoin is anonymous, which is the biggest problem. If bribery and illegal transactions are all done using Bitcoin and cannot be traced, then the country will be in chaos. my country will definitely not develop Bitcoin.

3. Blockchain is the next era of the Internet. Get familiar with it now while it is still immature!

4. Bitcoin and blockchain are one and the same, but they can also be used separately. I don’t think what Jack Ma said is wrong, but it’s not entirely correct. The core of blockchain is decentralization. If we only study blockchain but are still centralized, then such blockchain technology has major flaws! So, let’s leave the blockchain technology to the future! Rather than to a certain person! 5. Alibaba is studying blockchain, and it’s obvious that Alibaba attaches great importance to this technology!

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