Two years ago, I visited a friend's coffee shop in Shenzhen. I saw a bunch of posters and materials related to the cryptocurrency circle on her coffee shop. I asked and found out that people from the cryptocurrency circle had reserved the place and were going to hold an event in the evening.

I was also very curious at that time, so I thought about staying there to see.

In the evening, a group of people came one after another. They were all young people in their early twenties, and some of them brought laptops.

I chatted with them for a while and learned that they mainly played NFT and local dogs. A man showed me his NFT, which was worth hundreds of thousands of yuan in total. He said that it had fallen recently and was worth more than two million yuan at its peak.

Later, more than 30 people came, talking about a bunch of useless professional terms, but the atmosphere was quite harmonious. I had a good impression of it at first.

Until a Bentley drove in at the door, pushing the atmosphere to a climax. The one who came was a young-looking guy, who was the leader of this group of people.

After this guy came, he gave a speech, saying that he would issue several coins in the primary market, hoping that those present would help to raise the price of the coins. Some coins are expected to be listed on the exchange. He also said that he would go to Dubai to meet someone next week. It seems that there are several big brothers behind him.

The people below were also very excited, as if the business opportunity was right in front of them. I immediately lost my good impression of this circle.

In fact, think about it, who are the people at the top of this circle? You will know what kind of circle this is.

There are two people in prison, one of them was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the other was fined billions and was in prison for several months.

One is a well-known liar who can't even return to China.

There are also several coin issuers who are either in prison, run away, or are killed by others.

Of course, I am not saying that there is a problem with Bitcoin, but that many newbies in this circle make money by cheating. #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #比特币年底能否突破10万美元?