There are lessons that take 1 week to write down, but take 4 years to verify and 8 years to get results.

For example: Some of the brothers on 9/10/2024 that I am currently supporting, as well as those who have PTs when going to the gym and health, but I see results every week. The knowledge I share about the standards for finding codes is almost 99% impossible to lose.

On 9/10/2024, I told them, they listened, but could not verify and measure the results. Now there are two options: one is that they take the risk and believe, the other is that they leave it there and wait.

The waiting time from 9/10/2024 to 9/10/2025 is at least 1 year. If what I said on 9/10/2024 is correct, then 9/10/2025 is almost impossible to apply anymore, because it is no longer suitable for the strategy and does not achieve high results.

The waiting time from 9/10/2024 to 9/10/2025 is at least 1 year. If what I said on 9/10/2024 is correct, then 9/10/2025 is almost impossible to apply anymore, because it is no longer suitable for the strategy and does not achieve high results.

I know that in your life, there have been many such lessons.

After that, they need at least 4 more years to recognize the lesson of 9/10/2025 as correct and practice it again.