The exchange rate of ethbtc has been falling since the contract was launched!

It has dropped from 0.07 to 0.0399 now.

At this rate, the exchange rate of ethbtc will reach 0.035 to reach the bottom!

Therefore, eth is still in a weak state recently!

The total occupancy rate of BTC has declined recently.

The occupancy rate will be pulled back this month.

The occupancy rate will continue to be above 51%!

Did you notice the number 51%?

51% is also the safety factor of the BTC algorithm

The ethBTC spot index has reached the limit of 0.04

If it doesn’t go up in the next 5 days, the ethBTC exchange rate will really go to 0.035

It will take a few days to see if it can go up

In terms of strategy, Bitcoin is the main series and you can ambush

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