Yesterday, the layout of the Ethereum of Bitcoin was to pull up the short orders. Please pay attention to the reasonable control of the range. No real-time reminders will be given.

The current market trend of Ethereum of Bitcoin is relatively slow, and each wave of the market requires more patience. We laid out the idea of ​​short orders of Ethereum of Bitcoin from 58300 to 58600 and near 2370 in the morning market yesterday. During the evening market pull-up, it just reached the entry position, and then began to fluctuate and fall. Bitcoin hit the lowest point of 57300 points again, and Ethereum hit the lowest point of 2313 points. The target position was basically reached. Pulling up the short orders was in line with expectations. Ethereum of Bitcoin once again took more than 1000 and 50 points of space. The layout was made public on the whole network. Congratulations to friends who followed.

At present, the market is fluctuating sideways again, and the moving average has been repaired. The MA7-day and 10-day moving averages have begun to turn upward. Pay attention to the support of 56500 and 2300 below in the future. If the support is effective, the market will rebound. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #新币挖矿