If the United States still does not cut interest rates in September, China may see the following situations:

1. Interest rate cuts, the economy's little cotton-padded jacket: If the United States does not cut interest rates, China will adopt a little cotton-padded jacket strategy, lower bank interest rates, keep the economy warm, and prevent cold currents.

2. Corporate financing, as natural as breathing: With lower interest rates, companies borrow money as naturally as breathing, easily, and develop more steadily.

3. Savings move, find new ways out: With low bank interest rates, ordinary people's wallets may have to move, looking for higher-yield investment channels, and market vitality may be stimulated.

4. Mortgage pressure relief, home buyers smile: With interest rate cuts, monthly mortgage payments are reduced, and just-needed home buyers are happy, and the real estate market is expected to usher in a small spring.

5. Monetary policy, flexible as water: If the United States does not cut interest rates, our Chinese monetary policy is as flexible as water, changing with the shape, to ensure that the economy is stable and far-reaching.

6. Investment confidence is steadily recovering: With the interest rate cut and the investment environment being optimized, the confidence index of both domestic and foreign investors is steadily recovering.

7. Economic growth is gaining wings: The timely adjustment of interest rate policy is like giving wings to the Chinese economy. Even if the external winds and waves are strong, we can still fly steadily.