The dog dealer is really good at playing. This time, it is 666 again. A big V Tianlong pulled it up unexpectedly. The lowest point fell to 2275, and now it is at 2360. The short order price is the average price at 2376. When it fell below 2300, Xia Sen had already reminded everyone to reduce their positions. For friends who run short distances, it is absolutely no problem to make money with short orders.

For friends who have not shorted, the opportunity has come again. You can continue to short near 2380 when it rebounds. If you have just reduced your position, you can add the reduced position. It will start to go down on Thursday and Friday! Ethereum short orders target 2280, 2200 and 2150. For those who run short distances, you can stop when you see a good opportunity and take the profit! #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 $ETH