Buffett has been buying US bonds like crazy this year. Has the US stock market hit bottom?

Data shows that Berkshire Hathaway, a company owned by Buffett, significantly reduced its holdings of 389 million Apple shares in the second quarter, worth 82 billion US dollars; at the same time, Berkshire Hathaway reduced its holdings of Bank of America shares by 75%, cashing out about 3.8 billion US dollars; it also reduced its holdings of Hong Kong-listed BYD, cashing out 40 million US dollars. At the same time, Buffett did not forget to clear his position in Paytm, an Indian payment giant, which has lost more than 40% in five years of holding shares. Mr. Buffett also has his moments of failure~

Currently, Berkshire Hathaway's cash holdings have reached a record high of 276.9 billion US dollars, an increase of 46.5% compared to 18.9 billion US dollars in the first quarter. Among them, Mr. Buffett holds short-term US bonds as high as 234.6 billion US dollars, and his holdings even exceed the Federal Reserve. Many people regard the old man's operation as a symbol of the impending recession of the US economy, because he once said that he would buy short-term US bonds during the financial crisis.

Some people in the market think that Buffett's liquidation of US stocks and switching to US bonds is a sign of pessimism and worry about the future market. After all, Mr. Buffett's record of escaping the top is relatively accurate. But some people think that he is just a big leek.

Where do you think the global economy will go next? Is Buffett a beacon or a big leek? Welcome to share and exchange in the comment area~