A special feature of the futures tracking tool is the capital bomb. This feature helps you observe when money enters the market. Through significant changes in trading volume, you can quickly identify key moments of capital inflows. For example, if the capital bomb of a certain variety is triggered, it means that large funds may enter the market. At this time, you can pay attention to the market trend to determine whether there will be a trending market. Click now to experience

List of popular varieties in the early trading


At the close of the morning session, the main LPG contract fluctuated downward and closed down 0.31% at 4,794 yuan/ton. The contract fell sharply at 10:54 and a capital bomb appeared. The transaction volume of the capital bomb reached 145 million yuan, and the main selling funds accounted for 72.39%. Pay attention to the midday market.


At the opening of the morning session, the main methanol contract rose first and then fell, closing down 0.47% at 2,349 yuan/ton. The contract had capital bombs at 10:32 and 10:34. Among them, the capital bomb at 10:32 had a turnover of 517 million, with the main buying capital accounting for 51.64%; the capital bomb at 10:34 had a turnover of 593 million, with the main buying capital accounting for 51.99%.

Iron Ore

At the close of the morning session, the main iron ore contract fluctuated in a range and closed up 1.26% at 684 yuan/ton. Fund bombs appeared in the contracts at 9:51 and 9:53 respectively. Among them, the transaction volume of the fund bomb at 9:51 reached 1.323 billion, and the main buying funds accounted for 69.48%; the transaction volume of the fund bomb at 9:53 reached 1.632 billion, and the main buying funds accounted for 66.80%.


In today's morning session, the main cotton contract fluctuated upward and closed up 0.56% at 13,405 yuan/ton. The contract had a capital bomb at 11:26, and the transaction volume of the capital bomb reached 570 million, with the main buying funds accounting for 52.95%.

(Disclaimer: This product does not provide investment consulting or investment advisory services. The information displayed is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice. Users make investment decisions based on this information at their own risk. This statement is hereby made. The data of this product is based on historical conditions and does not represent future trends. Each indicator has its limitations and is applicable to different market conditions. Investors are requested to invest rationally and control risks.)

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