I mentioned in an earlier post that if the market sees another large downturn i will be looking to buy projects in the Defi/re-staking narrative within the Ethereum or Eigen ecosystem.

I have narrowed it down to 5 projects.

Ondo, Rez, Omni, Etherfi, ZRO.

I have included price targets for each later in the post.

My main target range is 410-450 billion in the Total 3 market cap (Market cap excl BTC/ETH)

The market would need to drop another 15-20% to reach my target zone (Shown below)

Total 3 MC

A 20% drop in the total Defi market cap would also see a drop to a previous level of resistance which might become an area of support👇

Defi total market cap

The market cap might not drop to this point, I am in no rush to accumulate the projects i have listed above, if we don’t see another downturn in the market then my plans will be put on hold.

I think with the current economic uncertainty and other factors there is a chance the price targets I have set could be hit in the comings weeks-months.

I have set price targets for the projects i have chosen to accumulate at roughly 15-20% below their current market price (ZRO 20%-30% lower)

Before we go further i just want to explain why i have chosen these projects.

  • My main reason is because they dont have large cliff unlocks for VCs in the next 3-6 months (Shown later)

  • They are all part of a narrative (Defi, re-staking, liquid re-staking) that i believe will be pushed in the coming months, probably towards the end of 2024.

  • They are all VC and exchange backed, they will receive a lot of hype in the paid for media and will be promoted by exchanges.

  • I have done a lot of research into re-staking, mostly in regards to Eigen and Ethereum, it is why i have not included tokens from other chains.

My plans are simple, if price drops into my target range I will buy SPOT.

I have 2 price targets.

With the funds I have allocated for each project I will allocate 30% of that at the higher price target, if price falls further I will use the remaining 70% at the lower price target.

My total allocation for this will only make up for a small % of my crypto portfolio, it is higher risk-reward speculation.

Project by project.

For reference,

When I mention cliff unlocks below I am referring to unlocks that go to investors, core contributors, advisors, strategic partners (Holders who will likely sell), these unlocks will also increase the circulating supply of tokens.


Price targets,


Lower -$0.462

Ondo, Daily candles.

Ondo Cliff unlocks start at the end of Jan 2025👇

Ondo Vesting.


Price targets,



Ethfi, Daily candles.

ether.fi cliff unlocks start at the end of March 2025👇

ether.fi vesting


Price targets,

Upper- $5.8


Omni, Daily candles.

Omni cliff unlocks start at the end of April 2025👇

Omni Vesting


Price targets,

Upper- $0.0288


Rez, Daily candles.

Renzo cliff unlocks start end of April 2025👇

Renzo vesting.


My accumulation range for ZRO is lower than the projects above, i feel it is more overpriced.

Price targets,

Upper- $2.625


ZRO, Daily candles.

ZRO cliff unlocks start in June 2025👇

ZRO vesting

These are just my plans, I am not encouraging you to do the same.

I am not using the rent money to invest in these projects.

I don’t believe any of these projects are a breakthrough for crypto, they are made so that VCs and exchanges can profit off retail fomo, i am just playing the zero sum game.

I don’t have any timeframe for holding, it will depend on the market, if my buy targets are hit and the market rallies and my investment has 2-3x I will take part/full profits.

If sh1t hits the fan (economy, conflict) then i will just cut my losses, i wont just hold if there is a clear sign that the market could drop a lot lower.

This is neither a get rich quick idea nor a long term belief in any of these projects, it is solely about my cynical view of the direction crypto is heading/being led.

I am sure people will say there are other projects that might be better for whatever reason, this is just my plan (Based on research).

If you found this informative a like is always appreciated 🤙


#etherreum #ZRO #REZ #altcycle #CryptoMarketMoves