#今日市场观点 Many people may have lost patience in the market in recent days, but now is the critical moment. First of all, there are relatively few orders at the bottom, so the future is likely to go up. However, it is not achieved overnight, but gradually broken. Initially, Ethereum, as the leader of the cottage, can better reflect the actual situation, while BTC, as a stable market, has a certain distortion in the data, so we mainly analyze Ethereum:

At present, Ethereum can see an obvious double bottom is forming, and the orders placed are relatively small, so it is not meaningful to continue to go down. If it rebounds, the first rebound price should be around US$2,700. If it can stabilize, it will hit 3,000 points, and it may be reached before and after the interest rate cut. At that time, the interest rate cut may be superimposed, and a clearer performance may appear.