Market conditions often appear amid doubts, and this is the case now. BTC has once again reached the 60,000-point mark, but the market heat has dropped a lot. Many WeChat groups discussing cryptocurrencies have no one talking, which means that the sentiment has dropped to around the lowest point, and this has produced a clear deviation from the market.

That is to say, the next market repair period is coming, prices may continue to rise, and then the heat will gradually rise until everyone realizes again: the bull market is coming.

Of course, we still need to pay attention to the middle track position of the Bollinger Bands. If the middle track does not stand firm and goes down again, we need to come out and wait for the callback to end.

In addition, the current market is mainly BTC, ETH is a bit weak, so I won’t consider it for the time being. For altcoins, consider SOL or BNB first.