Discover the amazing secret of the currency circle again - worth tens of millions

I hope you will have confidence after reading the picture below!

Find the pattern:

There must be a market after the 5th every time in the past 3 months

June 5th was ready to fall, and the last struggle fell from 71800 to 58500

July 5th was a new low again, 53500 began to rebound and returned to 70000

August 5th continued to be a new low, 49000 began to rebound, straight up to 65000

September 5th has come_____________?

Why was Jiuge bearish last night? The zero-point analysis made it very clear

Why is bullish today, I emphasize again:

It is possible to find symmetry at the position of 53500 on July 5th,

It is also possible to find a small symmetry at the position of 56000 on August 16!

If it is the former, I choose to stop the long order today and enter the market at around 54000!

If it is the latter, the 56800 I mentioned today should not be a big problem!

Otherwise, when the market really comes, won’t it be a big loss? Will you miss out again?

Last night, everyone has experienced how the big cake rose. Do you dare to chase more at 5800?

So since there is a reference to follow, isn’t it much safer?

This picture is very valuable. Last time, it fell from 72000 and went long with the mirror image.

This time, relying on this picture, it may be a real trend!

Whether it is 56 or 54, if it goes up to 65, wouldn’t it be very attractive?

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