US stocks rebounded sharply, and the big cake took advantage of the situation to stand at 58,000 dollars.

Yesterday's market review, the big cake inserted a pin to 55555 and then consolidated above 56,000 for a day. One hour after the opening of the US stock market in the evening, the US stock market rebounded sharply and the big cake also took advantage of the situation to rise. It broke through 58,000 and stood firm in one go. At the critical moment, it depends on the US stock market. The big cake has been completely US-ized.

Today's market analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level is sideways, with a downward trend, the 4-hour level is an upward trend, the 12-hour level can go up or down, and the daily level is sideways. If it closes positive today, it will enter an upward trend. The intraday pressure level is 59,800 and the support level is 56,200. If it falls to 55,000 again, the spot can go up 3 layers.

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