Four steps to seize the opportunity to become rich in the cryptocurrency circle

1. First of all, in terms of personal aspects, you need to expand your knowledge. You cannot limit yourself with existing ideas. Keep learning and accepting new things, have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and explore the essence of things.

2. In terms of circles, you need to find a group. In this blindfolded community. What you need to do is to find a circle. There is no need to say how important the circle is. Sometimes a word in the circle will lead to a lot of chain reactions. But there are also good and bad people in the circle. You have to distinguish them yourself, don't be treated as a leek.

3. Study the K-line trend of mainstream coins every day, and make a prediction of the trend in the circle, the international trend, and the overall environment.

4. Don't think about getting rich. Investing in the cryptocurrency circle is not investing, but a kind of digital asset configuration in personal asset management configuration, and the asset ratio cannot exceed 20%. If you go for getting rich, the ending may be zero.