Haha, at the end of last month, I was so sure that September would be a big bear market, and it seems to have come true. Today is the September 4th anniversary, and new investors may not know what happened in history and how cruel it was.

Sure enough, the high point of yesterday's rebound was the last struggle of the bulls. The lack of hot money in the market is already obvious, whether it is the U.S. stock market or the cryptocurrency circle. In 2017, people still liked to call it blockchain, unlike now using the trendy new term web3. In my opinion, they are all the same, a big mobile casino.

Many people don't understand why I have such a high winning rate in predicting trends, because I have a trading system that can stand the test of time. It is absolutely reliable. Whether it is in the stock market, futures, foreign exchange or playing with coins, the technology is the same. I never believe that a person who only knows how to trade stocks but is confused in the foreign exchange market can be a master, because if you can swim in the river, there is no reason not to be able to swim in the lake. It is understandable that ordinary people do not have as wide a range of cross-border knowledge as I do, but if you only know how to fight in one field, you will waste your real skills.

At present, it seems that 55620 has not reached the bottom, so there is no need for us to guess. Going with the trend is to know the times and be a hero. Using AI quantitative robots to short at highs is the most reliable method, no other. You may not believe me, but you must believe in algorithms, AI, models, high technology, and big data. Program trading is nothing new on Wall Street. You can find out by searching for financial tycoon Simons on Baidu. He is even more awesome than Soros and Buffett, and is regarded as the god of trading by professional traders. The annualized rate of return of the intelligent software he developed beats Buffett.

Memories brought me back to the summer of 2017. I had been hoarding Bitcoin for more than three years. I never sold it because I subconsciously believed it was a real asset. Suddenly, on September 4, Wubuwei jointly issued an announcement, saying that they would clear the trading platform. The Bitcoin China exchange, which I had used for so many years, issued an announcement that it would stop operating on September 30 of that year. Who the hell has experienced this? A normal person would be scared to death. When I opened the market and looked at the K-line, the currency disaster came into view, thousands of coins fell, and there was not even a circuit breaker on the limit down.

You see your assets shrinking every minute, as if everything is going to return to zero, and you feel hopeless. According to normal logic, if you don't withdraw your coins, you may not be able to find your assets again by October 1st. So I was forced to sell a lot of bitcoins. I remember that I sold dozens of bitcoins a day. That was my first large-scale cash-out. I think many people made the same decision as me at that time, competing to escape faster. After many years, I once saw that the boss of Bitcoin at that time, Li Qiyuan, had white hair, and then it was said that he went to work on a wallet and gradually faded out of the public eye. Later, there was Zhao Changpeng. On this day of that year, the two heroes in the currency circle redistributed the territory, and many of the previous waves were beaten to death on the beach.

However, what is surprising is that after only two months, the price of Bitcoin suddenly skyrocketed like crazy and broke through the high point of 19,800 US dollars, which actually made many new investors who had just entered the market successful. It was really ironic. So I came to a conclusion that making big money depends on fate and luck, and hard work is meaningless in the face of the tide. A rough calculation shows that at that time, I sold 4.5 million yuan per lottery ticket, a number that many people cannot earn in their lifetime. This is the most regrettable thing I have done in my life, no doubt about it. Can you say that I have no cognition? I have been hoarding for more than three years, and then I raised the white flag on the eve of liberation. I wanted to kill myself. I don’t know what invisible force stole my wealth?

If a person wants to make money like the wind, he should learn from the singer Zhang Xinzhe. I went to see a concert that day and I calculated the accounts for Zhang Xinzhe. He tours one city every month. At that time, I looked around the stadium and saw about 20,000 people. Based on the lowest ticket price of 600, he earned 12 million yuan from a concert. If we deduct the commission given to the middlemen, he would pocket one-third of it. In that city, he could take away 4 million yuan in pure profit, just by moving his mouth and holding a microphone to sing for more than two hours. I think there is probably no easier way to make money than being a star, right? If he flies to 10 cities a year, he can get 40 million yuan and retire instantly.

We ordinary people have to pay others to sing songs, and we have to pay for a private room in the Star Club KTV, no matter how good we sing. We spend money to sing, but they earn money by singing. What is the difference between people? Who can tell me?

I am just throwing out some ideas to inspire everyone's thinking on how to make money. Don't set limits on yourself. When it's time to make a move, make a move. When it's time to go overseas, go overseas. Thank you to the fans who have been with me all these years. No matter how difficult the future may be, I will keep writing. . . . . .