Trading is a test of decision-making and execution abilities. Living like the characters in "The Wind and Clouds", even if you have to deal with thousands of numbers changing positively and negatively every day, and the excitement of assets jumping up and down is always with you, people with weak hearts are really not suitable for this job.

Life is a constant adventure, even a bit like gambling. Didn’t Zhang Junbao in “Tai Chi Master” gamble that his fate was in his own hands? Didn’t Gao Qiqiang in “The Storm” gamble his life all the way to the top? In “Flowers”, Mr. Bao and Mr. A had to gamble their entire fortunes to stand on the top of Huanghe Road in Shanghai to watch the fireworks, didn’t they?

As for you and me, as grassroots people, how can we turn over if we don't gamble? Relying on working, don't even think about it. I would rather starve to death than carry a sedan chair for others, so we just sit in the sedan chair. I can especially understand Han Xin's depression and frustration before he left the village where he grew up, because he had read a lot of military books but had no place to use them. All the protagonists, including me, went through a long period of dark lows before they started cheating.

Isn't Huang Bo? Isn't Zhang Songwen? Isn't Wu Jing? Isn't Sun Honglei? Before becoming famous, they could only play supporting roles, be extras, and be clowns. Including Sun Yuchen, who wore animal costumes with He Yi to please the judges on "If You Are the One", what was Sun Ge if not a clown? It's a pity that this dragon-slaying boy turned into the evil dragon he hated when he grew up. This may be the reason why all the big guys' first pot of gold was stained with blood and shame before they cleaned up.

Trump was assassinated again. He has an immortal body, representing the immortal spirit of crypto freedom. The web3 world may break the dual-hero pattern. It is rumored that Li Lin has transformed into a capital and is ready to make a comeback with a quantitative fund. This time, the vision of the big boss Li Lin coincides with that of the team leader. Great minds think alike. And I laid out the Ai quantitative map earlier than the former boss of Huobi. I know Li Lin needs intelligent trading technology. I have nearly 4 years of quantitative experience. Please offer me an annual salary of 5 million yuan. You can go to Dubai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, and any place for distributed office. I will help you empower and create the most powerful quantitative robot unicorn giant in the currency circle.

Those who often read my diary know that I have more than two brushes, otherwise I would not have a foot in both the foreign exchange and cryptocurrency circles. I really have no ambition, otherwise I would also like to have a share of the stock market. So many investors are blind and do not know that the masters are among the people. It is useless to find those college graduates. Can you recruit Xu Xiang from the boss? Will the uncle appear in the retail hall of the securities company? Will Xiao Jianhua easily show the trump cards and chips of the Tomorrow Group?

All the rules of the game are made for the bottom. Didn't Bill Gates drop out of school to start a business? I did too. I threw my graduation certificate into the sea. Because a piece of paper cannot represent my ability. Does Master Yi Miao need to use PPT courseware for his lectures? Of course not. I write as I please every day, without even a theme, but it's still so interesting that people can't stop. Just looking at the pictures I post is enough to feel the energy and eye-catching. I have never opened a paid area article like other bloggers. You guys take advantage of me for free, I never mind, and I still output useful information all day long.

Currently, the market is supported at $54,500. As long as it does not fall below this level, the bulls are still in control. Today is the 60-line pullback I mentioned yesterday. I have already stopped profit in advance and lost some profits. I will take back the long order after the 4-hour decline has eased and stabilized. Everything is under the control of the team leader, and he is confident.

Li Lin's influence cannot be underestimated. He has retired from the crypto world for so many years and is back. He must have seen the grand blueprint of the Ai quantitative trading track. It seems that he also wants to create an intelligent money-making machine software. If this thing is really developed successfully, I think it will have a greater impact on leeks than the exchange. It's a pity that he serves large funds, and he won't accept small investors who want to invest. Unlike the Ai quantitative here, you can start the contract robot experience strategy with 800 oil, and there is also a model for agent joining.

Alas, in terms of realm, height, and altruism, the helmsmen of those institutions and capital really don’t have the pattern of the leader with laser eyes and the intention to bless the world and help all living beings to counterattack. If there is any boss or rich woman who is interested in the leader’s talent and invests in my personal IP, maybe I can turn you into the next blockchain Masayoshi Son. I only need to travel around the world to give speeches, and I can attract a lot of believers. Let’s do something together, no matter foreign exchange, mining, or quantitative, I can chop down the gold mountain with one sword, and we will share the gold that comes out...