#BTC☀ There is nothing good to see on Saturday. Although the US stock market closed up well in the early morning, it is obvious that the bullish sentiment has not been transmitted to the crypto market.

At this stage, the Asian and European markets are increasingly dependent on the trend signals of the US market. If the US market does not move, the Asian and European markets will also remain unchanged.

From Saturday to next Tuesday, the three-day "vacuum period" in the US area is basically regarded by us as a low liquidity stage. The trading volume and trading depth are also reduced. The intraday amplitude of BTC is about 500 points. I hope it will continue.

What I am more worried about is any big action or news in the low liquidity stage. Under the low liquidity state, buying and selling at the current price will bring large fluctuations to the market.

I will look at the market data later. Today, the official website of the US fund flow is updated. Let's take a look at the performance of the cottage. By the way, I am bored and test the factors mentioned last week.