The retreat of long orders of Bitcoin and Ethereum in the morning session has taken up space again

The retreat of long orders of Bitcoin and Ethereum in the afternoon was arranged again. Bitcoin entered the market near 58700 and 2500 of Ethereum. The current market rebounded weakly. Bitcoin reached a maximum of 59600 and took up nearly 900 points of space. The space of Ethereum was small. The retreat of long orders took up space again. Congratulations to the friends who followed.

In fact, the space of friends who followed the idea in the past few days was very good. The retreat of long orders continued in the past two days, and then the high short orders entered the market last night. After a wave of market conditions, the space was also full. All the previous posts can be seen. #美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿