Several important data will be released tonight, all of which are related to consumer spending, and the expected values ​​are also a little higher than the previous values. Among them, the annual rate of the PCE price index has remained at 2.8 since the beginning of the year, and fell to 2.6 in May/June, but the expectation this time is 2.7, which is not very ideal. (I won’t talk about the specific impact logic, there are too many words) In addition, the crude oil market has been making trouble recently. The situation in the Middle East is tense. A few days ago, there was a problem with the shipping oil tanker there. I forgot. There are also news that 80% of Libya’s oil production may be interrupted, and Iraq will reduce production. Anyway, there are many different opinions. In a word, there is no good news, because the above news combined is to push up oil prices. Although OPEC+ said that it will increase production from October, it is still uncertain! In addition, from a technical perspective, the 4H chart of crude oil has also stood on MA120. The trend is not weak, but it cannot be said to be strong. We should wait for further news to consolidate! Rising oil prices will drive up fuel costs and household energy costs, so it will also push up PCE. There are many cars in the United States, which is not a good thing for them! There is nothing to say about the big cake. The daily level has reached a life-and-death position. If this position cannot be maintained, the possibility of the second test of 5W will increase again. Yesterday, a blogger asked in the comment area what I thought. Actually, I wanted to say it directly, but I really dare not say it. After all, everything depends on the mood of the dog dealer. When I become the dealer, I will say it in a positive tone 😆

The above is purely personal fantasy and is not used as investment advice or basis for opening orders! #PCE数据 #经济数据 $BTC