In recent years, the dog-beating circle has undergone drastic changes and has begun to impact the mainstream secondary market, absorbing enough liquidity and creating a large number of money-making opportunities. As an old leeks, Lao Z saw this early and put most of his energy into the research of dog-beating.

After a lot of tests, he found that there were almost no comrades with the same frequency around him, and there were no serious people among the dog-beating KOLs on the Internet. The so-called "rumors" were mostly fishing for leeks, or it was difficult to keep up with the second-level operations. They have always been for traffic and never thought about what shit they were conveying.

After all, Lao Zheng is not a fool who rushes around. He is very I found a community dedicated to beating dogs. The community mainly studies the practical techniques of beating dogs, focusing on bottom-fishing hot dogs with large corrections. Compared with those bad groups that shout orders every day, it is so different, so I participated in it. As expected, although there are not many recommendations, the profit rate is very high. I made money, my mentality is stable, and I learned skills. "Sure enough, people are only attracted by things they agree with. Before entering the circle, I repeatedly emphasized that I only want a serious atmosphere. Facts have proved that this is the type of community I want to create." #加密市场急跌 #Telegram创始人被捕 #热门推荐