August 25, 2024

The biggest news today is also a breaking news. Telegram CEO and co-founder Durov was detained by French authorities with a search warrant at a private airport in France. It is reported that Durov was passing through the private airport with a bodyguard and a woman, and the search warrant was issued a few minutes before the plane landed. It is obvious that this is a targeted incident, and there is also cooperation from the intelligence team behind it. Since Durov has multiple nationalities, one of which is a French citizen, he will be tried in France.

Telegram is currently the largest social platform that supports freedom of speech and decentralized networks. It is a must-have for B-users. The sudden arrest of its CEO may have a certain impact. Since the TON token is issued by Telegram, its price has already plummeted by 20%. If this matter continues to ferment or goes in an unfavorable direction, both Telegram and TON will be more affected. Fortunately, everything is normal at present.

Telegram is full of various speeches and communities, and those who have used it know it well. Therefore, Durov is likely to face charges of terrorism, money laundering, drug trafficking, etc. Due to the close relationship between Telegram and Russia, Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman Davankov has called on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find a way to rescue Durov, but some people believe that the French action was directed by the United States, which makes this matter difficult to handle. This matter is likely to rise to economic sanctions and TON's focus on crackdowns. Once Telegram's speeches are monitored, the consequences will be disastrous.

Anyway, I don't recommend you to touch TON for the time being. If you succeed in bottom-fishing, you will only make a few dozen points of profit. Otherwise, it's hard to say. Besides, TON has also risen a lot. It's better to wait and see how things develop. There's no need to gamble. As for other things, considering that the market has just risen recently and has touched the pressure of 65,000, there is less power for the market to rise further. You should sell all the bottom-fishing first, and hold the unprofitable positions and wait for the general trend. Pay attention to the risks in the short term. The impact of Durov's carelessness and being arrested may be no less than that of CZ going to jail.

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