Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

As mentioned in the article at 16:00 on the 21st yesterday, there is no vacant owner behind. Please look at the enclosed area in the attached picture first.

As mentioned before, in the absence of short owners, there are only artificial short speculators. After 0:00 on the 22nd, we saw that all the short speculators in the market were retail investors and there were no big names at all. Therefore, in the early morning of the attached picture It was mentioned in the group at 1:00 that I am already bullish, and the reason why I am bullish is because I don’t think big-name speculators are as stupid as retail investors. They wait until retail investors have already gone short before they follow suit, so I Start going long now.

Later, I saw that the price went up until 4 o'clock in the morning. I wanted to think about whether the bulls were coming, but after taking a look, I found that these information were not the bulls, which meant that they were just long orders of the natural trend.

——Future (Follow-up):

★Follow-up, although we saw in the previous article that the main meeting will be after 8 o'clock in the morning, it seems that the main message is that the price has been pushed up to exceed the previous high, so he does not want to move, but he will still continue to be there until 20 o'clock. Before (temporarily until 20 o'clock), I would continue to wait for the moment of opportunity.

In addition, this bullish trend seems to be related to the bullish trend on the 23rd. From this point of view, it seems that the desire to wait for the opportunity is to wait for the news of the event on the 23rd (the same probability of 30%). The information of the multi-master also contains that he can mitigate the event. In other words, this The multi-master is an energy body. He can be persuaded, comforted, etc. Communication and other reconciliations are open and acceptable. Therefore, if the incident does not happen, but there is news, it is possible that the news will be seen. The reason is that the price is still at this position and there is no movement due to the situation of the middle commission.

Therefore, the second half will not be published for the time being due to theft and counterfeiting. Binance Square will give priority to posting. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name and subscribe.