Why have you been saying before that you suspect that the air host from September 10th to 15th is the great air host on September 23?

Because on August 5, it was mentioned that there would be a majority on August 23, and later on, it was mentioned that the majority on August 23 would be a self-directed and self-acted show.

The bearer on the 15th is suspected to be the big bearer on September 23, because the bearer on the 15th started shorting 13,000 points from the high of 65,000 on August 23.

The majority owner on August 23 is the owner of the large void on August 5. Therefore, on the 15th, the bearer will lead to the downward trend, which is the influence of a very big event.

Those who can only speculate in high-density coins and only look at what is in front of them will not know how high the sky is and how high it is.