The protagonist of the story, Li You, a programmer who is passionate about blockchain technology, entered the cryptocurrency circle by chance. At first, he was only keen on learning and studying various cryptocurrencies and the technical principles behind them, but soon he was attracted by the high returns of contract trading. Li You heard that through the leverage effect, a small investment could bring amazing returns, which made him yearn for it.

However, unlike others who blindly pursue profits, Li You decided to first gain a deeper understanding of the operating mechanism and potential risks of contract trading. He spent several months self-studying financial knowledge, studying market trends, and even simulating transactions to train his mindset. But as time went on, Li You gradually realized several key issues that ultimately made him decide to stay away from contract trading:

  1. Complex risk management: Li You found that the leverage effect in contract trading is attractive, but it is also like a double-edged sword, which can quickly magnify profits but also swallow up the principal in an instant. He realized that even the most careful risk management strategy may appear vulnerable in the face of extreme market fluctuations.

  2. Information asymmetry and transparency: During his research, Li You came across some cases that exposed potential misconduct in exchanges, such as insider trading, liquidity manipulation, etc. This made him realize that although contract trading appears to be open and transparent on the surface, in reality, ordinary investors are often at an information disadvantage and find it difficult to detect the risks surging under the current.

  3. Challenges of emotional management: Li You experienced the strong emotional fluctuations caused by the fluctuations of profits and losses in simulated trading. He understood that in real trading, such emotional fluctuations would only be more intense, affecting judgment and even causing people to make irrational decisions. He knew that he was not a saint who could completely control such emotional fluctuations.

  4. Professional threshold and resource gap: After in-depth understanding, Li You found that contract trading is actually a highly specialized field that requires deep financial knowledge, keen market insight and strong data analysis capabilities. More importantly, some large quantitative institutions are almost at the top of the food chain with their advantages in technology, capital and information resources. In comparison, ordinary investors seem weak and unable to compete with them.

In the end, Li You chose to return his enthusiasm to the essence of blockchain technology - promoting efficient and secure transmission of value, rather than pursuing short-term speculative interests. He shared his experience and insights with friends around him, reminding them to be cautious about contract transactions and emphasizing the importance of long-term holding and value investment. Li You's story has become a warning from another perspective, telling people that in the cryptocurrency world, especially in the field of contracts, reason and caution are far more valuable than temporary greed. #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落