The differences between the bull and bear cycles are getting more and more intense. Each direction has its own views and logic. In fact, there is really no right or wrong about these things. Everyone looks at events from different angles and reflects different things. For example, the price fell from 32k to 24k last year for more than half a year. So what do you say is a bull cycle or a bear cycle?

You are right to say it is a bear market. After all, investors have suffered a lot in the past six months. It is also right to say that it is a correction in the bull market. This year, it is expected to be several times higher. In other words, the market is bullish or bearish in recent months. It is bullish, but more than 80% of investors have been losing money in the past six months.

So if the election market at the end of this year, BTC will reach a new high again in 2025, and the US economic recession will trigger a sharp drop in the global risk market, and then the next release will make BTC break through the previous high; then our definition of the current situation is the beginning of the bull-bear transition, or a correction in the bull market?

In fact, everyone is not concerned about the cycle, but wants to make themselves able to grasp every rise and fall in the market. People's greed always wants to maximize their own interests.

Don't let the correction in the bull market scare you! During a bull market, the worst thing you can do is get out too early.

These declines will test you psychologically. You need to minimize the leverage of your core positions. Don't panic and keep your faith!

I remember writing an article at the beginning of the year. The notable feature of a bull market is that there will be at least two or three major mid-term adjustments in the entire process, and it will continue to advance after each adjustment;

Unless it is the last decline, the previous declines are all for better rises, and then each time is higher than the last time, and when the last adjustment comes, the bull market will end and the cliff will fall; as for when it will be the last time, brothers can read the previous article.