I wonder if you have paid attention to HOOK’s vote on chain selection and new coin issuance.

The options are: sol, ton, and Base. Sol ranks first with an absolute advantage, and ton ranks second.

Add image annotations, no more than 140 characters (optional) It seems that the final result of this chain selection vote fell on the sol chain. This result is also what I expect and am optimistic about. As an old trader, I have used various chains in my daily life. Compared with sol and ton, sol has obvious advantages in all aspects. Sol is also what I use more personally. The SOL chain is more efficient and convenient. Its fast transaction confirmation time and low handling fee are advantages. Sol can be said to be a popular ecological chain this year and a relatively mature chain. Since last year, the price of sol has been rising all the way, and the transaction volume on the chain has also been rising. In terms of transaction volume alone, the sol chain is not comparable to ton. The meme coins released on sol have increased more and more fiercely, and have never lacked popularity and attention! The sol chain is basically the first in daily activity now.

Add image annotations, no more than 140 characters (optional) In comparison, TON is inferior in both popularity and transaction volume. Although it has its own unique features, such as the hundreds of millions of TG users behind it, most of them are local dogs, and it still has a long way to go compared with SOL. In this way, Hook's choice of cooperation target to issue new coins on the SOL chain is a strategic choice. With the current SOL ecological user volume transaction basis and hype expectations, the future is promising. I am still looking forward to the further development of Hook on the SOL chain in the future.
