#BTC analysis, how to operate.

Will it fall today?

Needless to say.

From a technical point of view, the position of 58,000.

It can be said to be a key position throughout May to now.

A bottom at a large level.

Small level pressure.

How many times have you hovered at this position in the past few months.

Selling is gradually weakening.

In terms of the long-short ratio, a large wave of short orders was pulled last night.

Now the proportion of long orders has soared.

If 58,000 stabilizes and has a leverage point, it can go up.

But it feels that the overall market sentiment today is still not very high.

Today's view is still that it will rise first and then fall in the evening.

You can place an order near 58,500. Short,

If it does not arrive in the evening, go short directly if there is a short trend.

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