According to Foresight News, at the "FORESIGHT 2024" annual summit, Evelyn, partner of Asian crypto market maker Tide Groups, said in the roundtable forum "Changes in Liquidity: The Cryptocurrency Market in the Eyes of Market Makers" that for most altcoins, the hype narrative and the funds behind it are not enough to influence the market. Most native Web3 traders only focus on the top projects. Therefore, in this cycle, neither new liquidity nor native Web3 profitable funds will enter the purchase of altcoins, and some tokens controlled by whales or industry leading projects may form independent market trends. Stable prices are the ultimate goal, and the designed token economic model is only a key factor in achieving this goal. It makes the following suggestions for the design of the economic system: organic growth and diversified token destruction scenarios, and community-centered. "As a guide and provider of liquidity, we are committed to becoming a bridge between exchanges and projects, promoting multi-party cooperation, overcoming the prisoner's dilemma, building industry confidence and reputation, and jointly creating ultra-long-term benefits."

The "FORESIGHT 2024" annual summit was held at the Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel from August 11 to August 12. This summit is co-organized by Foresight Ventures, Foresight News and The Block. It aims to provide a platform for global Web3 builders to communicate and exchange ideas, and to build a bridge connecting the East and the West and bridging regional differences. We invited senior political officials, industry leaders, heads of traditional institutions, top VC investors and representatives of popular projects to discuss dozens of hot topics such as the new chapter of Web3 in Asia, the strategic opportunities and challenges of institutional entry, the regulatory context under the background of compliance, the new trend of global Web3 investment, the Bitcoin ecosystem, AI+Crypto from narrative to application, large-scale application of ZK, and social networking.