Global panic! Japanese stocks hit the circuit breaker twice, Korean stocks triggered the circuit breaker! Multiple cross-border ETFs hit the limit down!

On August 5, panic in the global financial market continued to spread. In the afternoon, Asia-Pacific stock markets plummeted, Japanese stocks continued to plummet, and the Korean stock plummeted, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism. A-shares were relatively strong in the morning, but the decline also widened in the afternoon.

Cross-border ETFs fell collectively. The currency circle cannot be immune to it and will be dragged down. It is a high probability event to continue to fall and bottom out.

The return of the cottage to the trough is a good time to ambush. Next, I will prepare some currencies suitable for bottom-fishing. If you get lost, come and find the way! The expected return is more than 5-10 times before the end of the month! Find me by looking at my homepage introduction!

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