Brothers, hello everyone, I am trader Zhu Yici. It is no exaggeration to call these days the Good Friday for bulls. What is more frightening is that all this seems to be not over yet. Where to go from here has become a question in the mind of every bull?

In the past few days, I have been browsing the opinions and news of various big Vs. Now panic has occupied the mainstream view. The reasons for pessimism are mainly the US economic recession, the sharp drop in mainstream risk assets such as US stocks, the tense situation in the Middle East, etc. The reasons for the decline are so sufficient that the next 312 seems to be coming at any time. The so-called support levels of Bitcoin and Ethereum seem to be made of paper and will break with a poke.

Now some bloggers see Bitcoin at more than 40,000 and Ethereum at 2,400. In fact, if the price really reaches this level, they will probably still not dare to buy it. They will continue to see 20,000 or more than 1,000.

In fact, there is really no need to care too much about the opinions of so-called bloggers and big Vs. First of all, there is little real material and a lot of fakes. Many opinions are just hearsay. In my opinion, what is valuable is to combine their analysis to understand what events the market is currently playing, and to perceive whether the market sentiment is greedy or fearful.

Ultimately, it is up to us to make the decision on the transaction. As for whether the result is good or bad, no one can be held responsible for us. What I often say is that I must accept the consequences and pay for my own knowledge.

Back to the topic, where will we bulls go? In fact, there are only three options. The first is to clear the position to avoid risks and then intervene after the market stabilizes. Sacrifice part of the profit space to avoid risks and increase certainty. This is the safest option. The difficulty of this choice lies in how to judge whether it has stabilized and whether you have the courage to get on board again.

Personally, I have persisted until now. Subjectively, I cannot accept cutting losses and shorting my positions at this time, so I think most people will make the second choice and play dead and lie flat, trading time for space, with the determination to perish together with the main force at worst. If you choose the second option, then don't pay attention to this market in the short term, go out and have fun, isolate yourself from the panic in the market, and avoid doing stupid things.

The last choice of radical elements is to increase positions or even leverage, and advocate wealth and fame in danger. The copycats have been halved, halved, and halved again. The U.S. stock market has plummeted, and Bitcoin and Ethereum have plummeted. What does it have to do with the copycats? They have all increased by 4-5 times. What's the big deal about a 30% drop? The copycats are purely raised by a stepmother, they have no share of meat, and they get the worst beatings. I really don't accept it, but the market is always right, but I am born rebellious. You are all scared, right? You don't dare to leverage, right? I want to bet that the market will reverse. This is the last drop, and behind it are the stars and the sea, and spring flowers. As for what to do if I lose, what to do if I lose and get laughed at, bah, I will win, and I'll talk about it after I lose. As for the ridicule, they are shit, it's none of my business!