Brothers, hello everyone, I am trader Zhu Yici. I wrote this article with a heavy heart. Today I talked to several fans. Everyone has had a hard time during this period, whether it is doing spot or contracts. Of course, contracts are worse, but spot at least still has some roots.

Basically, everyone agrees that there will be another sharp drop in the future. Some people choose to continue to resist in the spot market, thinking that the current chips are at a low level and they have already lost so much that it is impossible to cut losses and exchange time for space; some people choose to go short and wait patiently for opportunities, hoping to catch a big bottom; some people shorted and their positions were blown up by the rebound in the past two days, leaving them with nothing.

The friend who was the worst off not only lost everything, but also lost all the money he borrowed today. He lost a total of more than 800,000 yuan and was in debt of more than 600,000 yuan. The word he said most often when chatting with me was "it's over". I advised him to stop, but I also knew that I couldn't persuade him. He told me that it had come to this point and what should he do if he didn't continue gambling, even if he could only win back half of it.

I completely understand his mental state. He doesn't dare and doesn't want to face this bloody reality. As long as he continues to gamble, he can live in the hope of winning back. He uses this hope to relieve the pain of the present. Can he win back? I don't know!

He said he wanted to raise another 50,000 yuan to gamble. I asked him what he would do if he lost the 50,000 yuan. He had no answer in his mind, and he didn't dare to think about the answer to this question. He continued to gamble in despair. He thought he had no way back, and he couldn't even stop.

He still has a house and a car now. When the day comes when he has nothing and is heavily in debt, will he want to stop today? I know I can't persuade him, so I can only suggest that he think about and arrange a way out and be prepared to lose. After all, he still has a wife and children. He should bear the consequences of his own actions. It is a man's final responsibility not to let them bear the consequences!

He is just the abbreviation of many retail investors in this round of market, including me who are struggling to hold on. Those who still have money and chips are the survivors eliminated by the cruel market. As for whether they can become the final winner, it depends on whether there is a powerful bull market in the future. I believe there will be a violent bull market, and I can only believe that there will be. If not, or I don’t hold on until that time, I hope I can retain a little bit of the last dignity of a loser, without crying, making a fuss, or regretting, and accepting it calmly. There is nothing more important in life except life and death. All the suffering will pass, hold on!