Liang Qiu: 8.1 Bitcoin/Ethereum operation strategy with market analysis

The big market Ethereum has been fluctuating and falling since last night. However, we have deployed long and short positions for so many days and successfully gained space. As a result, the retracement long order strategy we deployed again last night also caused direct losses during the market decline. At present, the market is once again near 63800, and Ethereum is near 3180. To be honest, it doesn’t make much sense to chase shorts after the market has reached this point. The main point is that the market started to rise near the low point of 63400 after the market inserted its needle downward a few days ago. It has not fallen below, but the market has reached this position again. Once the low point support is not broken, it is expected to form a second bottom and start a rebound.

The K-line pattern of the big pie has shown a downward trend recently, especially since July 29th, there have been multiple negative lines. However, a longer lower shadow line began to appear at the beginning of today, August 1, indicating that there is certain buying support at the low level. On the technical indicators, MACD, DIF and DEA are all negative and continue to decline. The MACD histogram is also enlarging. Trading volume has increased in recent days, especially during the sharp declines on July 29 and July 31. The volume has increased significantly, but today's trading volume is relatively reduced and the selling pressure has eased. Follow up and focus on the 63400 and Ether 3140 first-line support.

In terms of operation, the current price of Bitcoin is 63800, and the target is 65000 to 66000, and the defense is 63000; the current price of Ethereum is 3180, and the target is 3250 to 3300, and the defense is 3130. 878