There is no money in your pocket. Is there any legal way to make money?

There must be! Let's arrange it!

This way is to give away dogs and cats for free. Since it is free, how to operate and make money? Please read on!

Human nature is greedy. If you don't want free things, you will feel uncomfortable. Specific operation method:

Put a photo of a cute dog on Xiaohongshu, Xianyu, Douyin, Kuaishou, Tieba and all the online posting places you can think of. The core of the copy is: I am going abroad and want to give the dog away. I hope to find a kind owner for him.

Offline, post flyers with contact information on them, and the copy is the same. This will cost dozens of dollars.

Then, some silly and cute girls will add you, and when they add you, just say that the dog has been given away. Then say that your friends also have dogs and will give them away in the future. In this way, the traffic added will not delete you, and you will get a lot of female traffic interested in pets every day.

After that, find some suitable pet stores in your area, discuss cooperation, sell them online through your circle of friends, and earn money as an intermediary.