

We are pleased to announce that the Sumer Points Program will be launched on July 18, 2024, covering Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base, and Meter networks. We are also proud to support asset partners such as Etherfi, Pendle, Kelp DAO, Puffer Finance, and Angle Protocol.

We are also excited to announce that Sumer will allocate 5-15% of the total token supply to our early supporters to incentivize their contribution to Sumer’s TVL and interaction with the protocol.

The Sumer Points Program includes the following two airdrop pools:

Points airdrop pool: Incentivize users to take risks through a points program - the higher the TVL contribution, the more incentives

NFT Airdrop Pool: Ensure fair distribution of rewards through the Sumerian God Series NFT Program - the more you interact with the protocol, the higher the rewards

While large holders can earn more rewards through their TVL contributions, our protocol is also committed to ensuring fair incentives for a broad user base through distribution based on NFT quantity and rarity.

Points-based program – How does it work?

Users can earn Sumer Points in any of the following ways:

1. Deposit assets;

2. Provide synthetic asset liquidity on partner DEX;

3. Recommended.

Any of the above actions can earn Sumer points every day; and we will also encourage some ways to earn more points.

Deposit Asset Points

Depositing supported assets on Sumer will provide users with 1 to 4 points per $10 per day, depending on the asset type and promotion. For example, mainstream assets such as ETH, USDC, USDT and DAI will receive a 4x points bonus at launch.

The actual points users earn will be subject to multipliers - to incentivize specific assets and utilization.

Bonus: For special events (first week of launch, new partner assets online), Sumer will clearly mark the points bonus multiplier of the corresponding assets in the application interface and social media platforms.

Utilization: Points earned are based on the net value of the deposited pool utilization. A 1x pool with a utilization rate of 10% will provide 0.9 points per day for every $10 of TVL.

Please note: users need to maintain liquidity on the protocol every day to earn points. Points snapshots are taken at random times of the day to avoid speculative behavior.

Recommended Points

In order to let more people understand and participate in our plan, similar to most protocols, Sumer also introduced a referral mechanism to encourage users to invite friends to join the Sumer points plan. The relevant referral reward details are as follows:

  • The referrer can get 10% of the points earned by the referee;

  • If the referee becomes the referrer, the original referrer will receive 1% of the points earned by the new referrer;

  • Users who use the referral code can also receive an additional 5% lifetime points bonus.

Please note: Users can now generate invitation codes directly at After the launch promotion period ends, generating invitation codes may require a certain amount of initial points.

Providing liquidity points

Providing synthetic asset liquidity on partner DEXs will generate 1 to 4 points/$10 per day for users, depending on the asset type and marketing campaign. Eligible liquidity trading pairs will be displayed on the Sumer Points Program Dashboard.

Points penalty: invalid use

The ideal path to maximize the integral is:

1. Deposit high-point bonus assets (stable coins, ETH and BTC);

2. Deposit assets with partner incentives (such as LRT assets and Pendle PT on Arbiturm);

3. Mint Sumer synthetic assets (suUSD, suETH, suBTC) and provide liquidity on partner DEXs (such as the suUSD-USDC pool on Aerodrome).

Overselling of Sumer synthetic assets will offset the points earned from TVL. Penalty points will depend on the portion of Sumer synthetic assets not held in the user's wallet or DEX liquidity.

Please note: Please make sure to link all relevant wallets to the same Sumer Points account.

Comprehensive points

TVL points = deposited asset points + provided liquidity points - confiscated points

Total Sumer points = TVL points + referral points

NFT-based initiative - how does it work?

Users can earn more Sumer points by any of the following methods:

1. Mint more NFTs;

2. Minting rare NFTs;

3. Complete the Sumerian God series NFT collection.

The “Sumerian Gods” series of NFT collection challenges provide every Sumer ecosystem participant with a fair opportunity to win a portion of the total airdrop.

Each participant can mint 1 NFT for free after earning 100 TVL points ($1,000 TVL per day after 1x bonus). Any user can mint a maximum of 1 NFT every 24 hours.

The rarity ranking of NFTs is as follows;

  • NAMMU — Legend

  • ENKI — Rare

  • UTU — Rare


  • NIRGAL — Rare

  • OANNES — Normal

  • ENKIDU — Normal

  • MALAH — General

  • MINUSSA — Normal

Sumer Partner Program - Meter Credits

In addition to Sumer points, users can also earn Meter points by providing liquidity for any eligible DeFi application on the Meter network, including Sumer.

Users receive 1 Meter credit per $10 of TVL per day.

The Meter Points Program now supports Voltswap Finance, Sumer, Meridian Finance, and Symmetric Finance. Meter Points owners will be eligible for additional airdrops on the Meter network.

Please note: users need to maintain liquidity on the protocol every day to earn points. Points snapshots are taken at random times of the day to avoid speculative behavior.

Sumer Points Program - Maximizing Benefits

We have also prepared for you an outline on how to maximize your profits:

  1. Use the high collateralization rate of the associated assets to increase your actual income (deposit weETH + borrow ETH - 90% collateralization rate, deposit weETH + borrow USDe - 80% collateralization rate);

  2. The longer you deposit your assets, the more Sumer points you earn;

  3. Depositing incentive assets with point multipliers can add to your Sumer points;

  4. Provide liquidity on partner DEX to earn more Sumer points + mining income;

  5. Recommend the Sumer Points Program to your friends and earn referral rewards;

  6. Mint Sumerian Gods series NFTs every day to get more points allocation from NFT-based programs;

  7. Deposit assets for Sumer on the Meter network and earn both Sumer points and Meter points.

Sumer Infrastructure Partners

Sumer uses Chainlink CCIP and LayerZero to enable interoperability of Sumer synthetic assets on its supported networks: Ethereum, Arbiturm, Base, and Meter.

Sumer has partnered with Ancilia Inc. to conduct real-time risk control and prevention through Withdrawal Guard.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sumer reserves the right to stop, suspend and resume the program at any time;

  • Recommending fake accounts is prohibited and anti-witch measures will be taken;

  • If users withdraw assets within one day before the snapshot, they will forfeit their points for that day;

  • Only assets with a value of $1 or more will be counted towards points;

  • The daily points will be randomly counted throughout the day to prevent speculative behavior;

  • Points will be based on the balance at the time of the snapshot;

  • The specific distribution ratio between the points pool and the NFT pool is still being formulated, but it will be highly tilted towards the points pool to properly incentivize users to deposit assets.


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