🚀 Crypto hot news: Italian state bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA just issued digital bonds worth $27.2 million on Polygon! 🌐

- European Central Bank's test transaction aims to find new solutions for central bank money payments on blockchain.

- This is the first transaction since Italy promulgated the FinTech law on the issuance and circulation of digital financial instruments.

- The bond will mature on November 18, 2024 with a fixed interest rate of 3.63%/year.

🔗 Transactions are completed on the same day via the Bank of Italy's "TIPS Hash Link" tool, which allows interaction between blockchain and traditional payment systems.

- Niccolò Bardoscia from Intesa Sanpaolo: "Public blockchain is a powerful technology for financial institutions, making transactions faster and safer."

📊 BlackRock CEO Larry Fink believes that every stock and bond will move on the blockchain in the future. However, not everyone agrees.

- Professor Hilary Allen: Public blockchain is too "fragile" to tokenize trillions of dollars in real assets.

- Forecast: Tokenized asset market could reach $16 trillion by 2030 (Boston Consulting Group) or $2 trillion (McKinsey).

💬 What do you think about the future of tokenization? Share your comments below! 👇