Hello, brothers, how will the market go next? Arthur gave the answer directly.

Arthur hasn't published an article for a long time recently. The reason is very simple. The original view remains unchanged, that is, 1. Bull market. 2. The big market will not start until December. 3. It's all garbage time now. Every low point is a good opportunity to enter the warehouse. The method is still the method of multiple purchases in multiple warehouses.

So why do I think it's December?

Arthur gave his opinion directly.

The market is still in 95% garbage time. The start of the big market is still waiting for the US to cut interest rates, or the start of a disguised interest rate cut. The official interest rate cut in the US is related to the election. After Trump survived this disaster, it is basically certain that he will take office. If nothing unexpected happens, Trump will take office on October 20, and his main policy direction is to release water and increase tariffs.

Moreover, Trump is a clear supporter of the crypto market. In addition, his recently appointed Vice President Vance is also a crypto investor, so once this round of gains starts, it will be fierce.

But the coming of King Trump does not mean that the market will start immediately. On the contrary, it will be bearish and the market will be smashed first. Why do I say this? The reason is very simple. When King Trump comes to power, he will make major adjustments to the entire situation. The bills he proposes will suppress the other forces, which are related to the crypto market, and the opposition forces on Wall Street will definitely be suppressed. When any leader comes to power and promulgates new bills, the market will panic first, then stabilize, and then take off when accepting the new rules.

In addition, as early as 2016, when King Trump came to power, Wall Street first smashed the market and then started a long bull market. This time will not be an exception.

In summary, Arthur believes that the market will first smash the market in December and the end of November. After that, there will be a continuous wave of bulls. Everyone seize the opportunity, the opportunity is still there.

Pay attention to Arthur and bring value.

Pay attention to Arthur and cross the bull and bear markets.