BTC and ETH market analysis on July 17:

Today’s highlights

BTC: 1-hour and 4-hour levels enter the overbought range, the daily level is higher than the healthy level, the macro environment improves, the expectation of interest rate cuts increases again, the fundamental negatives are being digested, the positives are being supported, and the subsequent general direction continues to be bullish. Continue to be bullish during the day, the upper resistance of the day is 66200-67000, and the lower support is 64300-64800. Continue to be bullish today, fooling indicators, and the fundamentals are dominant

ETH: 1-hour and 4-hour levels enter the overbought range, the daily level is higher than the healthy level, the macro impact improves, the chain continues to be sluggish, the expectation of interest rate cuts increases again, and the positives are being supported. The old irons who reduced their holdings yesterday can add new bets. The upper resistance of the day is 3550-3650 today, and the lower support of the day is 3350-3400. Continue to be bullish, fooling indicators, and the fundamentals are dominant