Main Image text: BTC

※Since the previous post on the 11th, I can finally post it now, because the main force has not given any information during this period. As explained in yesterday’s article on the 15th, the multiple masters on the 15th that I saw at 16:00 on the 14th could only be discussed privately, so there was no main information.

——Future (Follow-up):

★After the price pull on the 15th, the current main information defines the price pull on the 15th as human intervention. The artificial relationship has resulted in more negative energy from the big bearer being unable to be released. It will be like a bubble that does not explode due to intervention, and the result is transferred. This causes bubbling to begin in many places at the same time.

Therefore, I don’t know whether major events will continue to happen on the original 17th. In short, the first thing to prevent is the 17th. Things on the 17th are not affected by the 15th. If it happens, it may jump from 20,000 points and become like this A rebound of 10,000 points is nothing. The last time the 10,000-point empty master was a pull of 3,000 and a collapse of 10,000, then will this be a pull of 10,000 and a collapse of 30,000???

After human intervention, the Great Space Master added more time, first around the 21st, around the 27th, and after the 29th, while August 5 remained unchanged. Human intervention led to the addition of three time periods of crisis.

However, the 21st will be related to the 17th. If nothing happens on the 17th, it means that there has been human intervention, and multiple hosts will appear on the 21st.

However, from my personal point of view, I think the size of the bullish market on the 21st will be greater than the size of the bearish market on the 21st.

Attached to the picture is an important explanatory text, which explains that personal safety should be paid attention to in natural disasters, human intervention, Trump was assassinated, and the bubbles of air masters in more places represent the possibility of natural disasters in more places.


