After reading the article for so long, the topic that everyone is most concerned about has officially arrived, the next trend. It depends on whether the short-term 3500 position of Ethereum can break through and stabilize. This level does determine the trend of the short-term or even the medium-term. The upper high point breakthrough depends on the pressure of 3700-3900. This range is difficult to break. The rebound of this round is the high point to see this position. Under the pressure of the medium-term, everyone must not think about creating a historical high in the short term. The historical high has the absolute right to speak at present. The turning point of the market will not be too long. It is difficult to continue the long position. The large amount of funds is basically in the final stage. It is likely that after a breakthrough, there will be a small waterfall. Everyone should prepare mentally. In the short term, it is still bullish. After today's correction, just observe whether the high point can be broken through.

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!