Today's funds 556 U, July 16, 2024

BTC prices have risen, but my principal is gone, which is really a pity, but fortunately the funds have returned to 556U. I am so scared now. If I don't buy, I am afraid of missing out, and if I buy, I am afraid of chasing high and falling.

Looking at the historical positions, many times I risk going to zero just to make 3U4U, which is really unacceptable, but what can I do? Now 556U is much better than the more than 100U a few days ago.

However, I should be satisfied with this growth rate of funds. It was only 400U yesterday, and 556U today. Compared with the decline and loss, I would rather miss the opportunity to make money and avoid chasing high and losing money. I have to be able to bear the loneliness, take one step at a time, and take every step carefully. Slow is fast. I once gave me an opportunity, but I didn't grasp it at the time. Now I must be cautious and cautious. I would rather miss the surge and avoid the decline, and wait for the opportunity to fight for a rebound after the surge, so that the stability and certainty are stronger.

I hope that BTC will continue to reach new highs. The Fed is about to cut interest rates. BTC will continue to reach new highs. There will inevitably be new hot concepts. Whether I can make money depends on whether I can grasp the concept of the trend point that is about to become popular. I hope that hard work will pay off. God rewards hard work. The short-term goal is to seize the opportunity to make the funds reach 10,000U, and then open a contract to carry orders.

My US stock Faraday Future stock has risen. It is now worth 1,000U. It was only worth 800U a few days ago. If it rises 10 times, it will be 10,000U. If it rises 100 times, it will be 100,000U. This is my hope and belief to persist in difficult times. Jia Yueting, can you be brave enough to live broadcast and carry goods? You are like a fool. You have been looking for investment funds for so long and have not found them. Other car companies have found tens of billions of investments at any time.

Assangecoin has dropped a bit, maybe 100U, and now it is worth 400U. If my logic about Assangecoin is correct, 100 times, 1000 times, 10,000 times is not a dream. 10,000 times 400U will become 4 million U, and I will become rich overnight. It's so good to think about it. It's so beautiful.

When I was disappointed and desperate, I felt happy when I thought of these two projects. Believers are invincible. When my dream came true, many classmates must have slapped their thighs and regretted not believing me at the beginning.

Just wait, time will prove everything, I will definitely do it.

You can’t know life or death until the end.